Are you looking for a creative and unique way to display a collection or two in your home? One great way to get custom displays for your collections is by working with a plastic fabricator. Having custom displays made ensures that your collection is displayed in the exact manner that you want it to be. You can have open shelving made, or fully enclosed cases to protect the collection from dust. My site includes several examples of displays that I have had made or have seen made by a plastic fabricator. Hopefully, you can gain the inspiration to design the perfect display for your collection.
Ida Beck
Rust that is on your garage's metal roofing can weaken roofing materials and reduce the beauty of the building. Learn how to remove the rust with the following instructions. After completing the repair, add a coat of primer and paint to the roof that contains a rust inhibitor to prevent damage to the roofing materials in the future.
Remove The Rust And Clean The Roof's Surface
Place a ladder next to the garage. Use a broom to remove large pieces of debris from the roof so that you can easily spot where the rusted areas are. Use a wet, wire brush to remove the rust that is present. Rapidly move the brush back and forth to loosen each piece. If any portions of the roof are covered with thick pieces of rust, use a sponge mop to apply an even coat of naval jelly to them. The rust will begin to disintegrate after a few minutes.
Scrub the metal surface until all traces of the rust have been removed. Use a water hose to rinse away any specks of rust that remain on the tin roof's surface. Remove surface stains from other parts of the roof with soapy water and a sponge mop before rinsing the roofing materials off. Wait for the roof's surface to dry.
Protect The Roofing Materials From Further Damage
Cover areas around the edges of the roof with pieces of plastic sheeting that are held down with strips of painter's tape. The sheeting will protect areas near the roof from becoming covered with primer or paint. Stir a can of rust inhibiting primer until it is smooth and pour it into a paint tray. Coat a thick-napped roller with the primer and apply it to the roof by pushing the tool's handle in straight lines. The thick nap will help the primer application go on smoothly if there are any crevices or fine details on the roof's surface.
Wait a few hours for the primer to dry. If it is humid or hot outdoors, the primer may take longer to dry. Test the roof's surface to ensure that it is dry before preparing to add the paint. Mix the paint and pour it into a clean paint tray. Apply the paint, using the same steps that were completed during the primer application. Wait several hours for the paint to dry. Add a second coat of paint if primer is still visible in some areas after the first coat dries. After the paint dries, the roofing materials will not be susceptible to damage when they are exposed to moisture.